
Our toddlers will participate in fun learning activities and creative playtime that encourages exploration while introducing structure and an established routine. These experiences help make learning fun! As your toddler develops, we create structures and routines to meet your little one’s ever-increasing skills.

Inside Your Toddler's Day
  • Learning interactions, including relationship building exercises, critical thinking, sensory and language experiences
  • Small group brain-based learning experiences
  • Story time that includes Seeds of Literary, focusing on literacy skills and character development
  • Music and movement
  • Outside tim
Goals for Toddlers
  • Develop positive self-image
  • Encourage language development and analytical skills
  • Promote creativity
  • Begin increasing attention span
  • Encourage healthy potty training
  • Promote physical development and sound nutrition
  • Show more complex emotion
Toddler Developmental Milestones
  • Show interest in fine motor skills, like coloring and cutting
  • Enjoy using body for large motions (running, dancing, kicking)
  • Form phrases and sentences
  • Identify names with people and objects
  • Begin to recognize that other people have feelings
  • Use body to express emotions
  • Promote social play